Phosphate Disclaimer

Q. I live in one of the 18 States that has banned the retail sale of phosphate detergents. Is it okay for me to buy Bubble Bandit?

A. The ban does not apply to commercial detergent products like Bubble Bandit except NY, MD and SC.

The following States have legislation in place that limits the sale and use of detergent containing phosphate. If you live in one of these following 15 states, you should only purchase Bubble Bandit detergent with phosphate if you are buying it for commercial or institutional use: Illinois, Indiana, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, New Hampshire, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin. If you live in New York, Maryland or South Carolina you should not purchase Bubble Bandit with natural phosphates for either residential or commercial use.

Phosphates act as a key ingredient in many of Bubble Bandit cleaning products and detergents. They serve multiple functions, providing properties that increased the effectiveness of a variety of products. Phosphates help remove any hardness ions present in the water (such as calcium, magnesium, or iron), which allows other components in the cleaning process to work more effectively. And, phosphates help remove dirt particles from the surface being cleaned, through the suspension of fine particles for efficient removal in the rinse.

In some water bodies, phosphorus is the limiting nutrient and controlling its level is an important step in preventing eutrophication. In most areas, most of the phosphorus comes from the environment itself, and only a fraction from consumer products.